

so, i am officially done with my finals. well. besides my online class. which is not much fun. anyways, i had a lot of assignments this quarter that were not fashion related, that i didnt want to post on my website. therefore, i thought i would share some of them here.

this first set is a series of cocktails that i shot for a "chapters in a book" assignment in my advertising II class. i did all of the styling for these myself, surprisingly. and i also had a ton of help from my assistant, matt bushong (www.matthewlouisphoto.com), on this shoot and the next.

the next one was an image that i did for a public service announcement for gambling addiction.

and lastly, here is an illustration that i did for the art institute.

okay, i believe that is enough for tonight. i also shot with megan gardner and nikki beattie this weekend and i will be editing and posting those images shortly. hopefully tonight! :)

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