
aip student show.

the art institute holds an annual student show, and this year, one of my images was chose to be shown. the gallery reception is on wednesday, august 4th at 5:30PM in the art institute gallery. it would be nice to see your beautiful faces there! though, if you cant make it, the exhibit will hang at the school from then until september 28th, then will be moved to the gallery at the mall at robinson.

here is my piece that will be on display:

model: kim browne
mua: shana lohr

summer update.

again, i have failed to keep you all updated on what i have been up to. boo. im sure that no one is all that suprised, though. so lets do this.

at the end of june, i went to vegas for a week with my parents and brother. i learned two very important things: one, that no human should spend an entire week in vegas. and two, that the longer you walk to something, the closer you do not get. take a cab. every shoot that i tried to set up, fell through. but thats okay! i needed a vacation and i had a blast with my favorite people in the world. we spent alot of time on fremont street, so here are some images from there. (ps - these are shot with my wide angel lens that does not get enough use.)

some of you may know that my brother plays baseball at clarion university. he also plays a few summer leagues, while on break from school. he recently started playing for an aaaba team, in kersey. so i went home over my short summer break to watch the boys play and to see him pitch. he requested that i brought my camera home. haha! so i figured i would throw a few of those up too.

sadly, i guess that is all that i really have to say for now. the summer quarter started last week, so i have been busy with new concepts and booking those shoots. there are some pretty exciting shoots that will be coming up in the next couple of months! im so pumped about them! :)



"im selfish, impatient and a little insecure. i make mistakes, i am out of control and at times hard to handle. but if you cant handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell dont deserve me at my best." - marilyn monroe


danielle shoots nature?

this quarter i decided to push myself a bit, by taking nature photography. i needed to go outside of my element and prove what else i am capable of doing. plus, i thought it may be a bit relaxing to have a change.

our nature class requires field trips, and today we visited beechwood farms. here are some of the edits from earlier. hmm. anyways. we'll see what keeps happening.


on display.

here is the display that was hung from our adveristing I/II class.  recognize some of my work from previous posts?  :)

other work include:  cayla elliott (www.caylaelliotphotography.com), coty tarr (www.cotyphoto.com), nate david (www.natedavid.com), aaron labaki, katie stabile (http://kteaphotography.blogspot.com)



"Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you any more." - lady gaga



so, i am officially done with my finals. well. besides my online class. which is not much fun. anyways, i had a lot of assignments this quarter that were not fashion related, that i didnt want to post on my website. therefore, i thought i would share some of them here.

this first set is a series of cocktails that i shot for a "chapters in a book" assignment in my advertising II class. i did all of the styling for these myself, surprisingly. and i also had a ton of help from my assistant, matt bushong (www.matthewlouisphoto.com), on this shoot and the next.

the next one was an image that i did for a public service announcement for gambling addiction.

and lastly, here is an illustration that i did for the art institute.

okay, i believe that is enough for tonight. i also shot with megan gardner and nikki beattie this weekend and i will be editing and posting those images shortly. hopefully tonight! :)


so very true.

"And if a day goes by without my doing something related to photography, it's as though I've neglected something essential to my existence, as though I had forgotten to wake up. I know that the accident of my being a photographer has made my life possible." - richard avedon, 1970.


dear world, im back.

well, well, well.  2010 has been a bit different.  in the past two months, my dad had reconstructive back surgery, my best friend gave birth to her beautiful baby boy, a massive snow storm destroyed pittsburgh, and my brother turned 21.  but finally, after being well into march, im back in the game.  like really, i promise this time.

enough with the life blahblahblah.  this past weekend, i decided to try and get some color going in my portfolio.  and i believe i conquered that, to say the least.  here is an image from the edit that i didnt put up on my website.  boom.  

model: joey nolfi
assistant: ashlee gray
location: pittsburgh, pa



remember when i said i was going to keep up with this?  well, i have some how already began to fail at it.  but here i am.  anyway, this past weekend, pittsburgh was murdered with a snow storm.  the most snowfall in a single day in 63 years, and the most snow the city has seen in 16.  crazy, right?  i believe im jinxed.  all i want to do is edit, but the art institute has been closed since friday afternoon.  im understandably antsy.


the prelude.

apparently this is going to be the place where all of my thoughts will come together.  but knowing me, this will just turn out to be the place where my thoughts are vomited everywhere.  im not going to lie, this is my third or forth time attempt at the whole blogging thing.  i promise promise promise that i will keep up with it this time.  i am planning on keeping tabs on my works progress and the direction that i am headed.  i want to keep track of how my life goes during the last year of my undergrad.  and hey, maybe i will even learn a little bit more about me in the process.

for starters, a little bit about me:  i am a small town girl, who will never leave the city.  my family comes before anyone, but i do not want one of my own.  my work is my child.  do not drive; i've never had a drivers permit, but i do have a boating permit.  i get sidetracked easily.  i have a hermit crab, nady, who was named after the pirates outfielder who was then traded to the yankees two weeks after i got him.  by the way, i am a hopeless pirates and redsox fan and i despise everything that has to do with the yankees organization.  im all about this city of champions(champyinz?).  i feel like im most myself after a few drinks.  i realize that is probably something i shouldnt admit, but whatever.  i've never had a bloody nose.  for two and half years, i slept on the floor and i did not have any furniture in my living room.  i have gotten pretty good at avoiding things that i am bad at.   i have a lot of acquaintances, i stopped counting people as friends a while ago.  but the ones that i do, i adore.  most of the time, i do not think that i am very interesting.

like i said before, i am going to attempt to keep my thoughts and visions in line here.  within the next year, i hope to figure out what i want to do with my life.  we'll see what happens.  all i know is that its time to buckle down and be me.  even though that statement may be a huge contradiction.  story of my life.  welcome.  please, enjoy.